Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo
Beograd na vodi - BW Echo

BW Echo

Basic information

Available structures

2 Bedroom


Belgrade Waterfront




Savski Venac



VAT return


Heating method

Central heating (source: heating plant)

Construction deadline

August 2025


BW Echo is a modern eight-story building that is situated within Elements Complex in the Park District of Belgrade Waterfront, alongside the new street parallel to Savska Street. 


As a result of its ideal position in the fourth row from the Sava River close to the Creative-innovative multifunctional center “Ložionica” and Sava Park, all residents are guaranteed the most unique convenience of living in Belgrade.


BW Echo consists of 103 residential units, from studios to four-bedroom apartments. Depending on the position within the building, the apartments overlook the park or a landscaped courtyard, while a limited number of units are oriented towards a spectacular panorama of the old city. From the first moment you step into BW Echo, you will be overwhelmed by the echo of exclusive possibilities.


BW Echo is designed as a medium-rise modern residential building, with shops located on the ground floor facing the street, and an underground garage on two levels with 123 parking spaces. It is envisioned as a linear footprint forming the side courtyard with greenery dedicated to all residences.


Families with children will be welcomed by a comfortable and safe environment with the park, kindergarten, school, and playground in immediate proximity to suit all the needs of a fulfilling family life. All the residents will have an equal opportunity to enjoy the vast content on the ground floor of the building, with numerous shops and services to satisfy the preferences of all generations. The embellished lawns with spectacular lighting will be an ideal opportunity for a walk at any time of the day.


security Security
parking_area Parking area
private_yard Private yard
video_surveillance Video surveillance
green_surface Green surface


Payment options

Za više informacija kontaktiraj naše agente:


066 68 68 992 Milan Koprivica

066 68 68 991 Nina Stamenković

066 68 68 996 Goran Duranović

Datumi dospeća rata*RateKupac plaća
5 dana od overe ugovora o kupoprodaji nepokretnostiI rata10%
15 avgust 2022II rata10%
15 februar 2023III rata15%
15 septembar 2023Završena armirano-betonska ploča prizemlja ispod objekta u kome se Stan nalazi - IV rata15%
15 mart 2024Završena armirano-betonska konstrukcija objekta u kome se Stan nalazi - V rata15%
15 oktobar 2024Završeno zastakljivanje fasade objetka u kome se Stan nalazi - VI rata15%
15 avgust 2025Tehnički pregled objekta u kome se Stan nalazi završen - VII rata20%

*Prva rata se plaća u roku od 5 dana od overe Ugovora o kupoprodaji. Rate koje su vezane za konkretne datume plaćaju se najkasnije do ugovorenog datuma plaćanja, a u skladu sa profakturama za relevantne iznose koje će Prodavac dostaviti Kupcu na dan zaključenja Ugovora o kupoprodaji. Rate koje su vezane za konkretne datume koji su već nastupili, ili faze izgradnje koje su već završene, u trenutku overe Ugovora o kupoprodaji dospevaju za plaćanje u roku od 30 dana od overe, a rate koje su vezane za faze izgradnje koje tek treba da budu završsene dospevaju za plaćanje u roku od 10 dana od kada je relevantna faza izgradnje završena i dostavljanja profakture za relevantni iznos.

Za više informacija kontaktiraj naše agente:


066 68 68 992 Milan Koprivica

066 68 68 991 Nina Stamenković

066 68 68 996 Goran Duranović

Available units

Apartment label Bed Total area Price
BW Echo - 605 2 Bedroom 86,46 m2 View price
